Area which high Botox effect can be seen.
It also gives the effect of raising the sagged eyebrows that have stream-like shape wrinkles caused by frowning.
It is effective in smoothing the wrinkles that form layers around the eyes.
The wrinkle lines right across the nose bridge area between both eyes
In the case of square jaws with developing muscle, the muscle mass is reduced to get a slim-looking effect.
If the nose tip is low, Botox will create a sophisticated image by slightly raising the tip of the nose.
Botox is injected into the muscle layer along the jaw line to create a smooth V-line jaw.
The procedure is performed at the sagging lips corner and naturally creates it into lips corner with smiling expression.
The injection takes place at the drooping skin and lift the skin tightly.
The injection takes place at armpit, palm, etc. to reduce the sweat secretion and reduces odor.
The surgical procedure takes place at the developed calf muscle to make beautiful legs, even when wearing a skirt.